上林茶舍精選的伯爵紅茶 紫藤選用被世界紅茶專家譽為「臺灣香」的日月潭紅玉紅茶。市面上的伯爵紅茶普遍使用的茶底為錫蘭或印度紅茶,故而茶味較易濃澀;紅玉的褐紅色茶湯,滋味濃醇鮮爽,富有肉桂及薄荷香氣,還有一絲獨特的焦糖味。日月潭伯爵紅茶在眾多佼佼者中以獨特的香氣脫穎而出,醇厚的紅茶融入淡淡的佛手柑芬芳,是午後時光的最佳陪伴。
This tea is blended with the world-renowned Sun Moon Lake Red Jade Black Tea. Compared with the more common Indian or Ceylon black tea which can be more bitter, this Divine Earl Grey is mellow with hints of cinnamon, mint, and caramel. Infused with a subtle bergamot flavour, it is the perfect companion for your afternoon tea time.
Red Jade Black Tea is mainly grown in the Sun Moon Lake of Nantou County, Taiwan, a hybrid of Taiwanese wild tea trees and Burmese tea trees, which can be traced back to the Japanese occupation era.
Origin: Sun Moon Lake, Nantou, Taiwan
Altitude: 600-800 metres
Contains 30 loose leaf teabags
Made in Hong Kong 香港製造
*Plant Fiber pyramid tea bags 植物纖維三角茶包