桑椹果含豐富的桑葚花青素,具滋陰養血,補益肝腎, 美容養顏, 清肝明目,烏黑亮髮,潤腸燥等作用。對經常加班熬夜,睡眠質量差,腰酸疼痛,經常疲倦,夜尿多人士有調理作用。
Black Mulberry Paste is made of quality ingredients such as Black Mulberry, Red Jujube, Dried Longan, Chinese Yam, Wolfberries, Tuckahoe, Malt, Lotus Leaves .
Mulberry is rich in mulberry anthocyanins, tannic acid, vitamins B1, B2, C, and rutin. It is good for the health of eyes, hair, liver, and kidney systems.
淨重: 300g丨Net weight: 300g
Place of Origin 產地|Hong Kong 香港
No Additives & Preservatives 無添加劑及防腐劑